An educated patient is an empowered patient. When a patient has a solid understanding of their condition as well as treatment options, they are equipped to make informed and ultimately more effective decisions. It is therefore important to find medical practitioners that share this belief and are committed to educating the people that they treat.
That’s the philosophy and approach of Pain Revealed Expert Dr. Brad Glowaki, of Seal Beach, California. Dr. Glowaki observes that our current healthcare system focuses on treating and relieving symptoms as opposed to digging into true causes of illness. How can a patient be truly informed when they are being treated as a list of symptoms?
As noted on Dr. Glowaki’s website, “This quick-fix mentality has contributed to our great nation’s current dilemma regarding healthcare. Ailments become chronic, costs continue to rise and a solution is rarely found, while the patient is never involved in the healing process and inevitably destined to repeat the process.”
When people are in pain, they understandably just want the pain to stop. It is hard to make the best decisions when pain clouds your judgment. Dr. Glowaki comments on this in the Pain Revealed series: “When you are in excruciating pain, you are more likely to make a rushed and emotional decision that you could regret later – such as surgery! Why not consider a more conservative, affordable, and natural solution?”

It is widely agreed that painkillers are a dangerous crutch. Opiates are addictive and deadly, and NSAIDS can lead to damage to kidneys and other organs. Opiate use, in fact, is at epidemic level in the United States, with over 47,000 American dying of opiate overdose in 2017.
Chiropractors like Dr. Glowaki offer a healthy and natural alternative to painkillers. Chiropractic looks to the source of the pain and guides the body to channel its resources into true healing. He states, “We’re always looking for ways to maximize the body’s design.”
Patients are educated not only on alternatives to opiates and surgery, they are educated about their condition and what their options are. This education process leads to patients taking an active role in treatment decisions and taking responsibility for their healing. Patients find this to be a very empowering process!
One method of patient education used at Glowaki’s practice is wellness workshops. These are offered at no cost to the patient. Patients are also encouraged to participate in wellness lifestyle workshops to take responsibility for their health going forward after healing takes place. Dr. Glowaki comments in Pain Revealed, “I always make ongoing recommendations beyond the pain. It’s my moral obligation to keep pain from returning, it’s up to them to decide to take my advice.”

Chiropractic care is an excellent choice for the pain patient who wants to be empowered to take responsibility for their own health. It is conservative, not drug-based, and is affordable when compared to other healthcare options. Chiropractic maximizes the body’s ability to heal itself.
If you are suffering from pain, it’s important to consider this option before making a decision about surgery. Keep in mind that pain can cloud your judgment and lead to rushed decisions that may cause regret down the line.
When it comes down to it, any health care practitioner who does not encourage and empower patients with education may not have the patient’s best interest at heart… and when you are in pain, you deserve to be listened to, understood, and to be an active participant in your recovery.