We may all be tired of hearing about Covid-19, but it is apparently not going away any time soon. In fact, some parts of the nation are experiencing concerning spikes.
Meanwhile, we’re all trying to stay as healthy as we can, and our immune strength is taking top priority. Fortunately, between diet and supplements, we can help our body to be at its best in the face of assaults to the immune system.
One way that we can help our immune systems to function at peak performance is to supplement a healthy diet with a whole foods multivitamin. This will help to make up for any deficiencies in the diet and boost levels of key nutrients.

Keep in mind that soil depletion means that even some of the best fresh, organic foods may not have the nutrition levels our bodies need and that even the most ideal diet may not be quite enough to fully nourish us.
Be sure to choose a vitamin, and all of your supplements, from a trusted manufacturer that carefully sources organic and non-GMO ingredients, and who tests to assure purity and effectiveness.
You want supplements that are readily absorbable and that your body will recognize as food. Your local health food merchant or natural medicine practitioner will be able to make helpful recommendations.
Your immune defense diet should be loaded with antioxidant foods, such as berries, greens, plums, black beans, eggplant, artichokes, apples, and even moderate amounts of red wine (check with your health practitioner on this one if you are on medications or have a chronic condition!). Eating a variety of high antioxidant foods will assure that you take in a broad spectrum of these nutrients.

Options abound for incorporating these healthful foods… Enjoy summer dinner salads, fresh orange juice, and snack on berries, plums, or nectarines. Enjoy a glass of dark red wine with dinner, and make beans a side dish with your favorite meals. Hit up the local farmer’s market to find the freshest produce in your area.
Your dietary immunity tool kit should also include probiotics, as gut health is key to a healthy immune system. Choose a probiotic that has been shown in testing to survive and colonize in the GI tract.
Support the great work that your probiotic is doing by adding prebiotics to your diet to fuel and maintain the beneficial flora. Prebiotic foods include many of the wonderful antioxidant foods mentioned above, and also include high-fiber whole grains, onions, garlic, and bananas.
Vitamin D3 is an important nutrient that is often deficient in even the best of diets. Don’t chance this one – look for a quality D3 supplement combined with K2 for maximum absorption and synergy.

Another nutrient many people are short on is magnesium, and it is worthwhile to seek out supplementation of this mineral. Eat some extra almonds to supply your body with the best natural source for this mineral as well.
Supplements help to round out your nutrient consumption and make it convenient even if you are too busy to eat a diet as ideal as you would like. Throw in some easy boosters like apples, dried fruits, nuts, and orange juice. Take advantage of the ease and convenience of salad meals to load on the healthful goodies.
The news may not always be good, but by loading up on immune-boosting nutrients, you can equip your body to do its best to fight the good fight against whatever comes its way.