This is part 3 of a 4 part series. [Part One] [Part Two]
Welcome to Part 3 of our series focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet. We’ve discussed what this diet is, introduced some basics, and go over some tips to help you get started.
Perhaps the biggest hurdle for many people attempting this diet is getting off of refined sugars. Sugar cravings are powerful and challenging to overcome.
Not only does kicking sugar involve giving up the obvious sugary treats, but includes soft drinks, processed foods made from white flour, and many fruit juices. Many processed foods, such as ketchup and spaghetti sauce, also contain hidden sugars.1
Perhaps you just consider yourself someone who naturally has a sweet tooth—maybe you would even say it runs in your family. Maybe you see yourself as someone who would never be able to break the sugar habit…
Well, we encourage and challenge you to reject this negative self-talk and go for the prize that so many others have achieved and consider to be one of the most worthwhile personal accomplishments in their lives: beating the sugar habit!

Sugar is truly addictive, as evidenced by studies such as those performed by Eric Stice, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at the Oregon Research Institute.2 He found that “sugar activates the same brain regions that are activated when a person consumes drugs like cocaine.” In addition, he found that “heavy users of sugar develop tolerance… which is a symptom of substance dependence.”
The problems stemming from sugar addiction are just as well documented. For example, American Heart Association cites research3 that shows that sugary soft drinks are responsible for 180,000 deaths worldwide each year.
One way to get motivated to kick the sugar habit is to focus on the benefits that result from giving up this deceptively sweet habit. Karen Cicero of Prevention Magazine lists the following health benefits that people enjoy when they remove sugar from their diets4:
An additional bonus well worth mentioning is that giving up sugar will naturally retrain your taste buds, 1 and you’ll start truly enjoying—and craving—more natural and healthful food options! You’ll discover a whole new world of flavors that your palate had been blind to in the past. Further, you will no longer experience the feeling of being “hangry”—a condition notoriously caused by sugar crashes.
Once you commit to quitting sugar, a temporary but unpleasant reality will hit: sugar detox. Some even call it sugar flu, because you will feel worse before you feel better.
Symptoms of sugar detox may include headache, fatigue, shakiness, dizziness, depression, flu-like symptoms, or anxiety. You may quickly drop several pounds.
Some people choose to cut sugar cold turkey and just power through detox in a few days. If you can do this, more power to you! You may want to make sure you have a lighter schedule on tap for a few days. Others prefer to detox gradually and take a gentler approach to the process.
Here are some helpful tips to get you through the detox process from Yuri Elkaim 5:
Sugar detox is challenging, but also one of the most rewarding things you will ever do for yourself. Give yourself the gift of less inflammation, less pain, and so many other health benefits by saying goodbye to the sugar beast. You’ll never regret it!