Have you heard about copaiba oil yet? If not, you will soon – everyone’s talking about it!
We are dedicated to bringing information about affordable and attainable options that really make a difference…
…a difference for people with pain who wish to improve the quality of their day to day lives. And Copaiba oil is one of those options.
In Episode 6, we met Dr. Eric Zielinski, who explained that one of the most important benefits of copaiba is its anti-inflammatory effect in the body. He compared the potency to NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) drugs, the most powerful and commonly used drugs for pain and inflammation.
And don’t forget, as we heard from expert after expert, inflammation equals pain…
Treat the inflammation, and you’ve gone a long way towards alleviating your pain!

In Episode 1, Paul Winterton, M.D. also sang the praises of copaiba. He studied the effects of copaiba oil on patients with pain and inflammation in their hands, and the patients showed a statistically significant rate of positive outcome from the treatment.
He personally takes gel tabs of copaiba when he gets achy or sore instead of using a product like ibuprofen!
So why do we want to avoid NSAIDs? The list of reasons is long… and frankly frightening. According to Dr. Craig Maxwell, they contribute to or cause: bleeding ulcers, atrial fibrillation, kidney disease, and poor healing of fractures.
In fact, so great is the concern about NSAIDS, that the FDA strengthened the warnings that they increase heart attack and stroke risk!

While copaiba may seem new to us, it has been used for hundreds of years by indigenous populations in South America. It is harvested from the copaiba tree and purified through steam distillation, according to Dr. Yasir Bari.
Dr. Bari states that in addition to being one of the best naturally occurring anti-inflammatories, this amazing oil is also effective for pain relief, emotional health, and a long list of skin conditions. Patients with rheumatism and arthritis find this oil to be indispensable for the treatment of their pain and inflammation.
If you haven’t tried it, talk to your favorite purveyor of quality of essential oils…
…a little bottle of copaiba oil goes a long way, and may be one of the best health values for your dollar!