As the new year begins, many of us are resolving to live a healthier lifestyle. Whether you’ve been dealing with chronic pain, are facing a new diagnosis, are caring for someone who is, or want to do your best today to avoid problems tomorrow, the beginning of a new year is a great time to make a change for the
But as you probably already know, one of the hardest things about change can be getting
In the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing a series about new beginnings… starting the year off with a clean slate and getting a plan in place to reduce your exposure to toxins, GMOs, inflammation-producing foods, and toxic pesticides. When you’re armed with a plan, it’s much easier to move forward and turn your goal into a reality.
Why the Focus on Glyphosate and GMOs?
America is seeing an enormous increase in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Celiac disease, IBS and IBD, Alzheimer’s, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, Lupus, cancer…the list of diseases is long and concerning. More people than ever before are living with these conditions and the pain and suffering they cause.

Most of the corn, soy, sugar beets, and cotton we use today is genetically modified, often to make a plant resistant to glyphosate…the main ingredient in Roundup. As a consequence, we are exposed to a disturbing amount of this chemical…which has some serious adverse effects on our health and wellbeing.
Glyphosate acts as a mineral chelator and an antibiotic, wreaking the delicate balance of soil minerals and microbes that plants depend on to grow. When we eat it, it has the same effect on our bodies…causing damage in our gut and damaging the vital bacterial balance we depend on for good health. This results in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, mood disorders…as the data comes in from scientific study after study, it’s becoming clear that healing from this damage and avoiding further exposure is vital to repairing our health and vitality.
What Does a Clean Sweep Look Like?
In the coming weeks, we’ll share several articles that address how to start fresh this year, eliminate as many toxins from your life as possible, eat a healthy anti-inflammatory diet, and create an environment in which you can heal and build up strength.
First, we’ll be looking at how to detox from the toxins that have been building up over the years. There are many schools of thought on this and many different plans and protocols, so we’ll share some of the best resources we’ve found on the topic to help you get started.

Then, we’ll look at eating habits, meals, and hidden sources of GMOs, additives, and pesticides in your diet. We’ll help you create a plan for a month of healthy eating, as a “reset button” for your diet. You’ll be amazed at the difference 30 days can make!
Next, we’ll attack the toxins in your environment… both inside your home and out. You’ll learn ways to reduce your exposure to glyphosate, safe ways to clean your home, and hidden sources of toxins.
Finally, you’ll get a safe shopping guide to help you source healthy foods, household goods, personal care items, and products for your furry family members.
The next article in this series will be published on January 9th, so check back then… and, in the meantime, if you have advice you’d like to share with us about what you’re planning to do in the coming year to regain your health and be pain-free, would you consider sharing it with us? We’re all in this together, and your input might be just what someone needs to help them on their journey! Send your note to